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About Us
"Visit us and be at peace with nature"
Sanctuary Garden Resort is located inside a "SU-ONG", a local name for a valley surrounded by ridges of hills. The resort is developed within a 30-hectare property with forest and river environment, and with hiking trails on rolling grassy hills affording you a breathtaking 360-degree view of the sea, the nearby islands, the fields, and the full facade of this famous mountain, the Mount Guiting-Guiting.
A landscaped portion of the hills is designated as campground for mountaineers preparing for or culminating their climb, and scout jamborees. Just a few steps away is the Pawala River with big natural pool of crystal clear water ideal for swimming and kayaking. Sanctuary Garden Resort offers bicycles, motorcycles, jeepney and cars for rent to guests who want to visit the various waterfalls, beaches, and other interesting places around the island.
From your room in Sanctuary Garden Resort, you wake up in the morning to behold an unhampered view of this majestic and mysterious Mount Guiting-Guiting, said to be the most challenging and interesting mountain trek in the country. With a perfect position to view this mountain, Sanctuary Garden Resort is your best staging point to conquering this mountain inhabited with the rarest of flora and fauna, and the various waterfalls and rivers scattered around. This resort is located at Barangay Tampayan, Municipality of Magdiwang, Sibuyan Island.
Sanctuary Garden Resort is eclectic, constructed with abundant use of interesting native materials combined with the use of modern facilities in the interiors. The exterior landscaping is awesome and exquisite from the delicate stone works to the extensive collection of hibiscus, mayana, lantana, coronitas, mussaenda, bromeliads, and other rare plants and bushes attracting various species of birds. Please visit us.

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